
Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) is the backbone of every country’s economic growth, and national development. It elevates millions of low income families out of poverty. It creates good jobs for unskilled workers and high paying jobs for the professionals. If you have lost your job or your entire livelihood, don’t just sit there mourning over hash realities of life. Jump up to a new challenge. Learn how to get free stuff from companies. Discover best women freebies and quality free stuff for babies and kids. Make contacts to companies, and get free product samples to test and keep. Find out free small online or home based businesses you can start and run with free small business tools along side your computer and mobile phone. There are numerous small businesses you can start without money. This website is all about small and medium size enterprises (SME). No matter where you call home, you can always start your own small business without investment or with little cash flow and free small business tools to manage your everyday operations.

If you are searching for get paid to write articles, get paid to write reviews or get paid to write about anything, then this post is for you. It’s interesting getting paid to write about your own life. However, writing involves great amount of creativity so, if you are ready to really write, and communicate your ideas for money, we got you covered. But you should bear one thing in mind – companies would not pay you that much if your article lacks quality and creativity. A writer is a person who uses written words in different styles and techniques to communicate ideas. And writers also produce different forms of literary art and creative writing as seen in great novels, short stories, books, poetry, plays, screenplays, and more. However, writers’ texts are also published across a range of media, and are largely available for everyone to read. Therefore, skilled writers who are able to use language to express ideas well enough, often contribute significantly to the cultural content of a society, and companies and organizations are ready to pay any amount of money to hire such writers… READ MORE

If you live in USA and looking for small business grants, small business hardship grants, free money to start a small business or any type of grant, we got them all listed in one website just for you. Get to know what is a grant, how to use grant to build up and expand your small business, how to get a grant, where to get a grant, and the difference between grant and loan. And to refresh your memory, a grant is a financial assistance, given by a government or organization to a person for a specific purpose. Unlike loan where you have to pay the money back with interest, you do not have to pay back grants. In this post, you will find SME grants USA, SME grants applications, Fedex small business grants, small business hardship grants, free money to start a small business, small business grants coronavirus, SBA grants, small business grants covid-19, minority small business grants, and many more. Government, companies, and individuals provides money in form of small business grants to SMEs, especially new start-up small businesses, to help them not to crash and fail before getting started… READ MORE

Are you searching for full time or part time writing jobs? We have gathered together tons of high paying writing jobs just for you. Did you know that you can start a small business from your home as an online article writer, and earn good income from news magazines? However, if you are looking for any type of writing jobs or editing jobs locally, internationally or online from home then, this post is for you. And if you are a creative writer, and can entertain readers and communicate with them through writing then, you can start up a small business venture as a writer or an editor, hire two or three experienced writers on pay per article basis, and make lots of money from magazines and online publications. Most creative writers with technical abilities to write good articles that people enjoy reading, makes tremendous amount of money writing articles not only for magazines, but also for publishing houses and online news channels. Getting paid to write articles from home is a dream job that most talented writers, and bloggers are looking to get. Writing is no doubt one of the best ways to make money online, and top experienced writers are reaping the benefits. The following are classified as writers – word article writer, article writer, online writer, copy writer, biographer, bilingual writer, poem/story writer, speech writer, screen writer, play writer, lyrics writer, satirist, columnist, novelist, technical writer, magazine writer, content writer, book writer, historian, student writer, entertainment writer, ghost writer, website writer, travel writer, resume writer, blogger, vblogger… READ MORE

Small business grants, SME funding, and small business loans are largely available in Australia because the government and the funding companies understood the importance and the crucial roll SMEs play in economic growth, and job creation in the country. Are you searching for small business grants in Victoria, small business startup grants in NSW, small business grants in WA or small business grants in Australia generally? Whatever brought you here, we got you covered. If you live in Australia and searching for small business grants, free money to start your own small business or small business loans, we got them here, all gathered in one website. Discover how to use grants to build up your new small business, or expand an existing one. Find out how to get a grant, where to get a grant, and the differences between grants and loans… READ MORE

If you are looking for free small business supplies or free small business tools for entrepreneurs, we got you covered. There are tons of free things available for new small business startups. Therefore, if you already have viable SME ideas, and planning to start-up your own new small business or to upgrade an existing one, take advantage of tons of free small business tools, and SME freebies available on the internet. Do not try to finance your small business with your bank savings account – this is a very bad idea. Try to raise the initial investment through small business loans, business grants, and the use of several free tools for small business entrepreneurs. Have you already launched your start-up business or is the plan still on the drawing board? Its really hard to estimate the cost of starting a new small business or the initial investment. Not many start-up business entrepreneurs knew how to calculate the initial expenses involved, hence ended up draining their personal saving account. For an individual to start-up a new small business, the initial cost are expensive because you are just doing it alone, and its a bad idea to tap into your personal savings account. The best thing to do is to find hot free products, free small business tools that would help you get started without initial financial meltdown… READ MORE

Want to start your own small business but have no money? No qualms. In this post you will find government funding for small business, SME grants, small business funding for startups, and more. However, before starting your own small business, you first make plans for SME loans and business grants. And try to understand how small business loans, free business grants, and small business financing works, and how you could get any one of them to fund your new business. To refresh your memory, small business funding refers to the means by which a start-up or a current business owner obtains money to start a new small business or brings money into an existing business to finance the day to day business activities. If you are planning to think outside the box and lunch your own small business, but could not proceed because you cannot get adequate business funding or enough small business loans, you are definitely not alone. This is the same problem that affected many prospective star-ups in many developing and underdeveloped countries. It’s much more difficult to start a small business in a third world country because they do not have financial institutions specifically catering for SMEs… READ MORE

If you are searching for how to grow your business with giveaways or how to give away free stuff to make more money, we got you covered. If your small business is not generating enough income as expected compared to your friend’s business of the same nature, then something is wrong. Maybe you are not connecting with your customers. And you are not advertising your products or services to the real people who needed them most. As an entrepreneur, your main goal is to always engage with your customers, and device a means to keep them coming back, and continue using your products no matter the price fluctuations. However, to keep your regular customers happy and satisfied, you have to offer them something – rewards programs, coupons, free stuff, and giveaways. Who doesn’t like free stuff or giveaways? You have to apply or adopt promotional giveaways, product giveaways, marketing giveaways, and social media giveaways that will not only be attractive to your old customers, but also appeal to new customers, and people on the street… READ MORE

If you are looking for small company jobs, SBA jobs or social media jobs in the small and medium enterprises (SME) sector, welcome on board. Find both skilled and unskilled small office jobs, small trucking jobs, SBDC jobs, and many more. Small business ventures creates the most jobs, and also employs more people than all the government agencies combined. Yet they don’t get much needed financial assistance from the central banks or governments from most developing and under-developed countries. SME is the backbone of economic development of a country. And they create and add new administrative support jobs, customer service jobs, sales jobs, installation jobs, management jobs, maintenance jobs, repair jobs, and several other administrative and technical jobs to the economy. However, SMEs employs hundreds or even thousands of workers in some cases hence, making SME the biggest job creator in every economy… READ MORE

If you are looking for free Apps to start your small business, welcome on board. Find free apps that covers almost every aspect of your small business. Discover most important small business apps that will keep your business running even when you are not there physically. Get the best small business apps that works on every platform – Mac, PC, iOS, Linus, Windows, Unix, and available in cloud and premise. We researched the web to bring you the best free small business apps – purchases, sales, invoicing, email marketing, telemarketing, planning, online meetings and more. You have to browse through the links to see all the mobile apps, and free small business apps… READ MORE

Looking for small business quotes to move on? Every small business owner needs to draw an inspiration and motivation from somewhere. If you are a small business owner searching for inspiring quotes or business startup quotes to help you deal with harsh realities of life, welcome on board. In this post, you will find quotes about small business growth, and some of the best motivational quotes that inspires most small business operators to keep pushing even when the road becomes hard to get by. Managing small business is very tough, and business owners often rely on new business quotes, and some powerful business quotes to keep moving. Keep in mind that getting a small business off the ground is the hardest task because your competitors would do whatever it takes to put you out of that line of business. As a small business owner or a new start-up, you must have to know that its not a walk in the park. And when the going gets tough on you, all you have to do is to get an emotional help by reading some powerful inspirational small business quotes from experienced, and prominent business owners who have seen it all, and have done it ever before you got started… READ MORE

Are you thinking of quitting your main job to start up your own small business? Take a deep breath and browse through this website. If you have made up your mind to think outside the box, and have your own small business, the first thing that comes to your mind would be ‘What kind of small business and how would you get it started’. Then you realize that its time to challenge yourself. Its time to put all your life experiences to test. You have to pick up a small business that your passionate with. Ask yourself some personal questions such as your motives for the business, your creative skills to start and manage it effectively. However, you can start your intended business as a past time to know if you have what it takes to run such business. It will also enable you to test your product and the market. Do not jump into having a small business just because your friend have a successful small business running smoothly. You have to follow an already established start-up process – conduct a research on the product or service you intend to start, create your own business plan, select your business structure, and more. There are numerous tips and guides on how to effectively start up an SME business. Its up to you to identify the best guide that fits the type of small business you plan to engage in. We have researched deep to bring you more guides about SME consulting, SME toolkits, SME finances, and several other important SME services and tips you should take into consideration before starting your small business… READ MORE

If you are looking for free online courses for small business or free online marketing courses to enable you learn new ideas for your small business, welcome on board. There is no age limit for education. Even successful entrepreneurs and professionals alike sometimes pause and go back to the basic to learn more about social media courses online, and some newly applied technological ideas about their business. However, there are tons of advantages in online courses for small business. Its a great way to help entrepreneurs to engage in digital marketing courses, get new informative content, improve their skills with online accounting courses, learn new online business courses, and embrace the latest technology. Most online courses for small businesses are offered free of charge, and are designed with focus on the small business owners interest. This post will guide you to free online courses that allows you to learn at your own pace, and on whatever schedule that suits you and your family. You will not only learn how to market yourself to customers and master different techniques to solve business related issues, but also learn how to market your business effectively to maximize profit… READ MORE

How would you like to have a small business that earns money 24/7? You just wake-up everyday, login to your account to see how much money your business has generated. And in a pandemic or economic crises, you don’t worry about been fired because your passive income business is there, generating good amount of income for you everyday. And would be there for as long as you maintain account with the company. If you are looking for such small business that would earn you a passive income month after month even while you are on vacation or sleeping, we got you covered. In this post, you will discover how to earn passive income from home, beginner passive income, and get some passive income ideas. Do you like to have a business that earns you money even when you are not working? Everybody falls into this category. There are two kinds of income – Active & Passive Income. But before we proceed, its very necessary to clarify the two so everyone understands which income to concentrate on more. Active income means you are doing some kind of work in order to receive that income. So you must have to exert some kind of energy and time before you earn that income. Examples of active income are; wages, tips, salaries. And passive income is where you get paid over and over again for work that you did once. In this post, we are going to focus on passive income because it seems to be an important factor in achieving financial freedom specially during economic crises or a pandemic. “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” – that’s according to professionals. You could be earning income while you sleep… READ MORE

Are you looking for international grants for small business or free Government grants to start up your newly discovered small business? Whether you are searching for grants for students, women’s small business grants or new business grants, this post will help you learn how to get SME grants internationally. No matter where you live, you can always obtain a small business grant for your business. If you are involved in a big project that needs start up business grants or minority business grants, then you have to seek for international grants from foreign countries. There are numerous forms of SME grants, so it depends on the type of small business you intend to start. However, not many individuals or organizations believe its possible to get international grants to fund their projects. But with the advent of science and technology, you can receive international grants from any company, organization, institutions or government as long as your project qualifies for such business grants. However, not everyone fully understood what is actually a grant, how grants works, how to get it, and how to differentiate business grants from business loans… READ MORE

If you live in the UK, small business grants, funding, and small business loans are available for everyone, and very easy to obtain because the government, financial institutions, and private companies pays great attention to SMEs, and gives them all the support they needed to start, and grow their small business. However, if you are searching for small business grants in UK, we got them in this post, all gathered in one website for easy browsing. You will also find out how to apply and get the grant, and how to use grants to shore up your new small business, or expand an existing one to a new level. In this post, you will find small business grants UK, Government grants UK, small business grants UK corona, Fedex small business grants UK, small business grants UK 2020, grants for students UK, small business grants UK eligibility, grants for women in business UK, small business grants UK budget 2020, new small business grants UK… READ MORE

Are you searching for the best small business ideas to make money or cheapest small business to start? This post or rather this website provides you with everything you need to start, and manage your own small business without investment from the scratch. If you are finding it hard to get an SME funding, and likes to start your unique small business with no money, welcome on board. If you have creative small business ideas or discovered a hot new business, it’s possible to start-up with little or no investment. Discover the most profitable small business, and the best business you can start with no money or with just the basic cash flow for your daily operations. You just have to be smart to find the right small new businesses that suits your quest for having your own business, and been your own boss. Everyone wants to own a small business and become his or her own boss, but not everyone can afford the initial investment required or the collateral needed to get a business loan… READ MORE

If you live in South Africa and looking for small business grants, small business funding, best funding and grants for black entrepreneurs or any type of grant, we got them here all listed in one website just for you. How do you get capital to start a business in South Africa? The answers are not far fetched. Get to know what is a grant, how to use grant to build up and expand your small business, how to get a grant, where to get a grant, and type of grants suitable for your type of business. Grant is a financial assistance, given by a government or organization to a person for a specific purpose. And you do not have to pay back grants. It’s a free funding to enable you start, and manage your new small business. In this post, you will find small business grants South Africa, funding for small business startup in South Africa, DTI funding for small businesses SA, Government funding for business start-up in South Africa, how to get capital to start a business in South Africa, non repayable small business grants, funding for women’s business in South Africa, small business funding online, how to get government funding for your business … READ MORE